Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Spiritual

Daily Affirmations: Flexible and Peaceful

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a slight pain by my right shoulder-blade. This is a spot in my upper-back that over-work and stress usually gravitate to when I do not take enough time to stretch and release the tension created from over-work and stress. I had to forge on yesterday to finish work for two of my Fall classes and needless to say despite stretching every so often during the day, I did not manage to release that tension in my upper back.

Today, with less to accomplish and sometime to relax, I re-mind myself of this affirmation from Louise Hay: “My mind is flexible and peaceful, and so is my body.”

Salt Pannes at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Salt Pannes at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

It is so important for each of us to take time to unwind and relax… That is my goal for this day.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Abundance of Love

Sometimes we take for granted the abundance of love we have in our lives. When we do it is good to re-mind ourselves of this…

Today, I am grateful for all the love that I have in my life: the friends and the family who are all so dear to me. Mine is bountiful life filled with so much joy and pleasure. I am abundant in all things.

Great White Egret at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Great White Egret at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: A Conduit for Peace

Today, I ask that I may be a conduit for peace. As I read the news filled with stories of strife and conflict, may I pray for the peace of others. In my business and in my personal life, I ask that I may act from love, not fear and help to be a guiding light to others. For I know that with every heart that focuses on love, we bring peace to all that much closer to reality.

Namaste… Pamela

Immature Red Tail Hawk at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Immature Red Tail Hawk at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

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Daily Affirmations: Seasons and Change

Seasons mark the time with a change of weather and colors here in New England. They are a reminder that everything changes and nothing is permanent.

Fall on the Salt Pannes at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Fall on the Salt Pannes at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Today, I re-mind myself to embrace change and let it flow into my life with acceptance because change brings new opportunities. Nothing is gained by blocking new opportunities. Change is the ebb and flow of life that brings us learning experiences and life lessons. I am grateful for the changes in my life that come like seasons, bringing color into my life. Today, I celebrate each change that comes my way and I thank the Universe for the new opportunities in my life.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Moving Forward

Life often feels like we are waiting for the tide to come in, for things to change…

Dories on the bank of the Merrimack River at Lowell's Boat Shop
Dories on the bank of the Merrimack River at Lowell’s Boat Shop

Today, I re-mind myself that all things come in their own time. I resolve to keep moving forward in my pursuit of goals, desires, wants, and needs while trusting that the Universe will provide. I acknowledge that when I am an active participant in my own life, my life manifests that which I seek.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Thought and Reflection

Each day there are new opportunities that arise in our lives. Some opportunities are easy to determine to be beneficial in our lives, other opportunities require that we sit and think about the possibilities.

Immature Red Tail Hawk at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Immature Red Tail Hawk at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Today, I re-mind myself that some choices in life require thought and reflection and it is ok to take time to think about my choices. Sometimes rather than flying off into the unknown, it is best to perch and survey the options, making certain that we find what we are looking for.

Namaste… Pamela

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