Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Spiritual

Reflections: Floating

I am reflecting this morning on the concept of floating. When we give ourself up in a body of water and allow ourself to float, we are trusting that water to hold us up. The boats in the river float and move with the currents, just as we do in life.

Dories on the River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Dories on the River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

Floating is an exercise in trusting the universe. We let go and we are lifted up.

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Reflections: The Heart of Seeking Soul

The graceful Great White Egret stands poised, its gaze intent. The egret moves with purpose, it is methodical in its search for prey, as it combs the salt marsh looking for food. Its movements are dance like, it stretches, turns, crouches, flutters its wings like a dancer lifting their arms, it hops and balances on one leg, and then poises again in perfect position.

Great White Egret ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Great White Egret ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

There is a strength in the Great White Egret that defies gravity as it lifts up into the air with its long, yet delicately feathered wings and flies off in search of better hunting or perhaps to return its rookery at the end of the day.

I see my own intensity in the countenance of the egret–seeking, searching, looking for tidbits of knowledge and understanding hidden in the landscape of wisdom. Nature is the heart of the seeking soul. It rejuvenates the weary wanderer in all of us.

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Reflections: A Branch to Hold Me

I am a typically upbeat person who believes that happiness is a choice. However, sometimes the weight of life drags me down, just as it does everyone. In those times I have a tendency to long for something more in my life–a shoulder to lean on, a branch to hold me.

Dogwood ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Dogwood ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

Like the dogwood, getting its strength from the limbs of the tree, we all subsist and draw strength from the branches and stems that hold us up in life. I’ve been a flower without benefit of that which holds me up for a very long time. Still I blossom and grow. Yet, there is that knowledge deep inside of my soul that recognizes that this flower is still like every other flower that flourishes best when there is sustenance not only within but without as well.

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Reflections: Blown Off Course

There are times in life when a storm rolls in and it blows you off course. I’ve been working through one of these times in the past 2 – 3 weeks and now I am seeking to regain my center. Always in life, we do the best we can, but sometimes it seems like that isn’t good enough, as pressures and stresses mount, we sometimes look to ease the situation as quickly as possible. That is not always the way to proceed however, because when you are blown off course, you don’t always make good choices in the heat of the moment.

Storm Rolling in on the River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Storm Rolling in on the River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

Today, in effort to regain my center, I am focusing on the things I have to be grateful for and letting the rest blow out with the storm. I know and trust that the Universe has my back… Time heals all problems.


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Food For Thought: Great Events in Life

Beach at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Beach at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

“Great and soulful events–falling in love, opening to the Beyond-Within, the birth of ideas and babies–march to no tick-tock but appear in their own good time, when the heart is prepared and the moment is ripe.” – Sam Keen: Hymns to an Unknown God: Awakening The Spirit In Everyday Life

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Reflections: Communication

Sometimes the lines of communication between people get blurred. In reflection we can find many reasons for communication to become blurred, but in soul-searching, we weed through those reasons and ask ourselves the questions of why and what forms our reasoning in how we feel about and relate to other people.

Cat Tail Reflection ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Cat Tail Reflection ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

It is there in the reflection that we begin to see things clearly, if we take the time to listen to heart and remove judgment from our mind. It can be easy to judge others, however, learning to accept others for who they are, may not always come so easily to some of us.

Many years ago when I began to study A Course In Miracles, I learned one of the greatest lessons in my life… How a person shows up in my life, who they are in my world, it was matters most. Anything peripheral to that, is not for me to judge.

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