Sometimes it feels as though there is never enough money to get by on. That is a common concern for so many in the past 5-6 years (or more), myself included. Living within the means of the austerity plan can be quite tricky and downright depressing if you let it get to you and find yourself wallowing in worry and self-pity. When I find myself dipping into the well of worry over money, I know that I must re-mind myself that “I am abundant.”
Years ago I learned a simple mantra that has proven itself to be invaluable in the past couple of decades as I have struggled with entrepreneurship and single parenting. Everyone can use some re-minding from time to time. Affirmations work to re-mind us when we repeat them to ourselves over and over again. If you’re worried about financial concerns (or love), try this affirmation for a few days and see if things shift for you:
I am abundant ~ I have love…
I am abundant ~ I have money…

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