December 16, 2013
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul —
And sings the tune without
And never stops — at all.
– Emily Dickinson

words and pictures....
December 16, 2013
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul —
And sings the tune without
And never stops — at all.
– Emily Dickinson
December 13, 2013
Today, I re-mind myself that my will is powerful and strong. I am a confident woman and my intent is capable of manifesting my worthy desires. My worthy desires are healthy and positive, and they serve only to empower my best intent and highest ability.
~ Pamela J. Leavey
December 12, 2013
Today, I re-mind myself to see each person with loving eyes. I cast off all negative thoughts and emotions that arise regarding those with whom I have strife, misunderstanding or conflicts. I understand that I am powerless to change others and that my power lies in changing my view of those with whom I may have issues. Today, I practice acceptance of things and people. In that acceptance I find peace.
~ Pamela J. Leavey
December 11, 2013
Today, I re-mind myself that acceptance is key to living in peace and harmony with everyone and everything. To achieve acceptance is not always easy, it takes practice — everyday practice. However, I know that with practice and patience I can put away my judgments and achieve acceptance.
~ Pamela J. Leavey
December 6, 2013
Today, I make certain that I set clear goals and desires. I affirm that with clear intent, I can achieve what I desire. I open myself to the divine possibilities that flow from clear intent today and everyday. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
December 3, 2013
One of my favorites from A Course in Miracles:
“I am blessed as a Son of God.
I am happy, peaceful, loving and contented.
I am blessed as a Son of God.
I am calm, quiet, assured and confident.”
– A Course In Miracles