Today, I re-mind myself to experience the inner peace of embracing unlimited thinking in all areas of my life. I affirm today and everyday that I am one with the Universe. My life is rich. I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
“The heart of God holds all in safety. In times of separation from
those I love, I remind myself that all of us are held safely in the
heart of God. I ask God to touch those who I love with healing grace
and compassion. I ask God to gently guide those I love to their
highest good and sweetest outcomes. While I long for physical
contact with those I love, I remind myself that we are always in
touch with spirit and that I touch them directly with grace whenever
I pray for their happiness and well-being. Asking God to act for me,
I pray for abundant blessings to those I love. “
– Julia Cameron – Blessings, Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life
Today, I re-mind myself that my life is rich with blessings and I am grateful for them all, great and small. It is easy to get caught in a cycle of self pity when things are not going according to plan, and when that happens I shake off the tangled web of sadness and embrace the beauty and joy around me. Happiness is an everyday practice.
“I am sourced in divine flow. It pours out from me, shaped
by me uniquely, to bless my world. My spiritual essence matters
to me and others. As I am true to myself, I am true to others. I
am divinely led and guided in all my dealings. Trusting in this, I
offer others the safety of honest companionship, the reality of
grounded love. Drawing on God source, my love is pure and healing.
It is divine water for the thirsty world. I bless the flow which flows
through me. This flow blesses my world.”
Julia Cameron – Blessings, Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life
“The song of life is infinite and variable. Its melodies and harmonies hold infinite possibilities. I am both the listener and the song. I am both the composer and the note. A creator myself, I am also the the creation of a larger hand. In the great symphony of life, I am both large and small. I welcome this paradox. I allow myself to feel the protective guidance of a greater whole even as I allow myself to feel the power of my own largeness and strength. The balance is perfect, the design sublime. Recognizing that I am small enough to receive help and large enough to give it, I both receive energy and extend energy with a rhythm as melodic and as natural as breathing. Conscious of this process, I know I can inhale greater support when that is my need, and exhale greater support when that is the need of others. My life is lived in harmony. I am a graceful note consciously and organically connected to the universal song. As I am true to myself, those who are in harmony with me resonate to my personality and come to my side. Knowing that, I count myself blessed. I find myself both powerful and protected.”
– Julia Cameron – Blessings, Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life
To give and to receive are on in truth.
I will receive what I am giving now.
To everyone I offer quietness.
To everyone I offer peace of mind.
To everyone I offer gentleness.
– A Course In Miracles
Great White Egret ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2013
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