October 30, 2013

To Be Empowered… I re-mind myself that only I am responsible for the experiences in my life. I am an active participant in my life and I take part in all experiences. How I judge those experiences is my choice. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
words and pictures....
October 30, 2013
To Be Empowered… I re-mind myself that only I am responsible for the experiences in my life. I am an active participant in my life and I take part in all experiences. How I judge those experiences is my choice. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
October 29, 2013
To Be Empowered… I recognize that I am free of the past, it no longer has holds on my emotions or my life. I release the past that has caused me pain. I forgive myself my part in that pain. I embrace the memories of the past that bring me joy. I discard the attachment to the rest of my past. Every day is a new day. I am constantly moving forward.
~ Pamela J. Leavey
October 28, 2013
To Be Empowered… I am open to miracles happening in my life and recognize even the smallest of them when they occur. My heart is open to recieve. ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
October 24, 2013
Everyday brings a new opportunity for me to fill my life with love and light. I re-mind myself today that in opening my heart to give, I also receive. I am ever grateful for the blessings in my life. I am abundant. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
October 22, 2013
To be empowered, I re-mind myself that as I expand my consciousness of acceptance, compassion and understanding, then that is what I attract into my own life from others. The universe returns to us, what we give, though sometimes in different forms. In that I am mindful of my interactions. – Pamela J. Leavey
October 21, 2013
Today, I will offer love, compassion and understanding to all. I will call up upon my Higher Power to see each of my loved ones and all persons through the eyes of Love. I will not judge, I will not speak of hatred, I will not retaliate. Today, I am a messenger sent by the Higher Power to heal the world. ~ Pamela J. Leavey