October 15, 2013
Life is a Grand Adventure… I welcome every experience and opportunity as part of my adventure.

words and pictures....
October 15, 2013
Life is a Grand Adventure… I welcome every experience and opportunity as part of my adventure.
October 11, 2013
To Be Empowered… Honor who you are each day, and others will honor you. Respect the wills of other and you shall be respected. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
October 10, 2013
Today, I re-mind myself that to be prosperous I must accept that prosperity is the natural state of acceptance for all that I have. When I am grateful for my abundance, in every way, I am open to receive. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
October 9, 2013
Everyday I re-mind myself that I am Healthy, Happy and Abundant. There are positive forces at work in my life today and everyday. I remember each and every day to be thankful for all my blessings! ~ Pamela J. Leavey
October 8, 2013
To Be Empowered – I focus on the Now. I allow myself to surrender to the moment; and I do not dwell in the past or long for the future. I am here now, in every moment, in every day. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
October 7, 2013
I rejoice in the change of each season. Change is persistent, always surrounding and encompassing our lives. I look around me, each and every day and see that beauty is everywhere. That beauty fills me with delight as a symbol of constant change and regeneration. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
Photo: Salt Pannes Sunset ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012