Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Spiritual

Daily Affirmations: Truth

Today, I affirm my intent to be honest with myself and others, for when I deceive others, I am deceiving myself. Today, I affirm my intent to be true to myself and others, for when I am true to myself, I am true to others. Today, I affirm my intent to strive to be the gentle voice of truth and reason in all circumstances, for the gentle voice of truth and reason is most powerful in its ability to speak and act from truth. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Maudslay Trail

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: My Goals and Desires

Today, I affirm to myself that each of the goals and desires that I strive for in my life are clear and I avow that all good things happen in time. I can work towards my goals and desires, each and every day, as I do, however, my goals and desires will manifest when the time is right. In my clear, positive thinking mind, I open myself to the many divine possibilities that flow from my clear intent. Intent is a powerful force that allows us to manifest our goals and desires. Each day I work my intent towards my goals that are steeped in the betterment of myself and others. My greatest goal in life is to make the world a better place. That I might manifest this goal through my good intent is always my underlying desire. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

sunburst on the river march 6 2016

Namaste… Pamela

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Quote of the Day: Compassion and Tolerance

dalai lama-compassion and tolerance quote“Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.” – The Dalai Lama

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Daily Affirmations: I Am Strong and Confident

Today, I re-mind myself that to be empowered, I must be able to lead my life in my own way. I set my intent today and every day, that I am strong and confident. I do not let others deter my path. My life is on the path that I choose for myself. I travel through my life on the path that works for me. I know in my heart that my path is the right path for me. And if, by chance I find my path is heading me in the wrong direction, I am not afraid to veer off my path and head out on to a new path that leads me to new opportunities and growth. I am strong and confident. I use intent to forge my will and my way. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

hellcat swamp path

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: I Welcome New Opportunities

Today, I re-mind myself that releasing the negative patterns and thought forms that arise from time to time in my life, frees up space for positive patterns and thoughts to take hold in my life and guide me on the path to greater success. To be empowered, I release to the Universe, that which holds me back in life and I welcome new opportunities for growth and change. I set my intent this day and each day forward on making manifest what I aspire to. I allow myself to blossom like the new buds on the trees in spring. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

budding trees

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Clear Intent and a Positive Outlook

Today, I re-mind myself that all forces of the Universe are working towards the best possible circumstance for me and my life. No matter what the situation, I know that ultimately, it will lead to good. I trust that I am held safe and protected. I know my faith in the higher power of the Universe is strong. I resolve this day and every day, to move forward with clear intent and a positive outlook. I affirm today and everyday, that I Am Awesome. I can accomplish the things I set my heart and mind to. And so it is… Intent Makes Manifest.


Namaste… Pamela


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