Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Comfort Zone

Reflections: When The Tree Shakes

Sometimes in life you step out of your comfort zone and take a chance… Stepping out on a limb, you trust the universe to keep you safe.

But then, the tree shakes because maybe it’s not strong enough to bear your weight and you plummet to the ground.

So you ask the tree, why did you let me down, but the tree doesn’t respond, it just looks at you and shakes, leaving you filled with uncertainty and pain.

There is heartbreak in losing trust. There is grief in what you may think of as your own failure to recognize, that the tree wasn’t as strong and powerful as it appeared.

Illusions can get shattered like the glass in a mirror. In time with reflection you move past the heartbreak and grief and find your bearings once again. Healing takes time.

(Photo: Tree at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Inspirations

“Your spirit’s comfort zone is the infinite and eternal. Anything else is a path to anxiety and fear.” ~~ Marianne Williamson

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