Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Contradiction

Food For Thought

It’s time for some Food For Thought once again… from the great master J. Krishnamurti:

What are you?

So what are you? Apart from a name, a form, perhaps if you are lucky a  bank account, perhaps a skill, apart from all that what are you? Are we  not suffering? Or suffering doesn’t exist in your life. Is there fear?  Is there anxiety? Greed? Envy? Worshipping some image which thought has  created? Frightened of death? Clinging to some concept? A contradiction,  saying one thing and doing another. So we are all that. Our habits, our  inanities, the endless chatter that goes on in the mind, all that is  what we are. And the content of consciousness makes consciousness, and  that consciousness has been evolving through time, through tremendous  experiences, pains, sorrow, anxiety, all that. Now we are asking: can  one be free of all that? Free from all sense of fear. Because where  there is fear there is no love.

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Food For Thought

J. Krishnamurti… Energy without a center

The complete stillness of the brain is an extraordinary thing; it is highly sensitive, vigorous, fully alive, aware of every outward movement but utterly still. It is still as it is completely open, without any hindrance, without any secret wants and pursuits; it is still as there is no conflict which is essentially a state of contradiction. It is utterly still in emptiness; this emptiness is not a state of vacuum, a blankness; it is energy without a centre, without a border. Walking down the crowded street, smelly and sordid, with the buses roaring by, the brain was aware of the things about it and the body was walking along, sensitive, alive to the smells, to the dirt, to the sweating labourers but there was no centre from which watching, directing, censoring took place. During the whole of that mile and back the brain was without a movement, as thought and feeling; the body was getting tired, unaccustomed to the frightful heat and humidity though the sun had set some time ago. It was a strange phenomenon though it had happened several times before. One can never get used to any of these things for it is not a thing of habit and desire. It is always surprising, after it is over. ~~ Krishnamurti’s Notebook Part 6

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Food For Thought: This Pure Flame of Passion

J. Krishnamurti

In most of us there is very little passion. We may be lustful, we may be longing for something, we may be wanting to escape from something, and all this does give one a certain intensity. But unless we awaken and feel our way into this flame of passion without a cause, we shall not be able to understand that which we call sorrow. To understand something you must have passion, the intensity of complete attention. Where there is the passion for something, which produces contradiction, conflict, this pure flame of passion cannot be; and this pure flame of passion must exist in order to end sorrow, dissipate it completely.  ~~ The Book of Life

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Food For Thought: Passion Without a Cause

J. Krishnamurti

In the state of passion without a cause there is intensity free of all attachment; but when passion has a cause, there is attachment, and attachment is the beginning of sorrow. Most of us are attached, we cling to a person, to a country, to a belief, to an idea, and when the object of our attachment is taken away or otherwise loses its significance, we find ourselves empty, insufficient. This emptiness we try to fill by clinging to something else, which again becomes the object of our passion.

Examine your own heart and mind. I am merely a mirror in which you are looking at yourself. If you don’t want to look, that is quite all right; but if you do want to look, then look at yourself clearly, ruthlessly, with intensity -not in the hope of dissolving your miseries, your anxieties, your sense of guilt, but in order to understand this extraordinary passion which always leads to sorrow.

When passion has a cause it becomes lust. When there is a passion for something -for a person, for an idea, for some kind of fulfillment- then out of that passion there comes contradiction, conflict, effort. You strive to achieve or maintain a particular state, or to recapture one that has been and is gone. But the passion of which I am speaking does not give rise to contradiction, conflict. It is totally unrelated to a cause, and therefore it is not an effect.  ~ The Book of Life

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