Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Desire

Food For Thought

J. Krishnamurti… Energy without a center

The complete stillness of the brain is an extraordinary thing; it is highly sensitive, vigorous, fully alive, aware of every outward movement but utterly still. It is still as it is completely open, without any hindrance, without any secret wants and pursuits; it is still as there is no conflict which is essentially a state of contradiction. It is utterly still in emptiness; this emptiness is not a state of vacuum, a blankness; it is energy without a centre, without a border. Walking down the crowded street, smelly and sordid, with the buses roaring by, the brain was aware of the things about it and the body was walking along, sensitive, alive to the smells, to the dirt, to the sweating labourers but there was no centre from which watching, directing, censoring took place. During the whole of that mile and back the brain was without a movement, as thought and feeling; the body was getting tired, unaccustomed to the frightful heat and humidity though the sun had set some time ago. It was a strange phenomenon though it had happened several times before. One can never get used to any of these things for it is not a thing of habit and desire. It is always surprising, after it is over. ~~ Krishnamurti’s Notebook Part 6

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Food For Thought: Constant Thought Is a Waste of Energy

J. Krishnamurti…

Most of us spend our life in effort, in struggle; and the effort, the struggle, the striving, is a dissipation of that energy. Man, throughout the historical period of man, has said that to find that reality or God- whatever name he may give to it- you must be celibate; that is, you take a vow of chastity and suppress, control, battle with yourself endlessly all your life, to keep your vow. Look at the waste of energy! It is also a waste of energy to indulge. And it has far more significance when you suppress. The effort that has gone into suppression, into control, into this denial of your desire distorts your mind, and through that distortion you have a certain sense of austerity which becomes harsh. Please listen. Observe it in yourself and observe the people around you. And observe this waste of energy, the battle. Not the implications of sex, not the actual act, but the ideals, the images, the pleasure;the constant thought about them is a waste of energy. And most people waste their energy either through denial, or through a vow of chastity, or in thinking about it endlessly. ~~ The Book of Life

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Food For Thought: Morality

“Some people automatically associate morality and altruism with a religious vision of the world. But I believe it is a mistake to think that morality is an attribute only of religion. We can imagine two types of spirituality: one tied to religion, while the other arises spontaneously in the human heart as an expression of love for our neighbors and a desire to do them good.” ~~ The Dalai Lama

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Daily Affirmation: To Be Empowered

“To Be Empowered – I always do my best. I release all desire to compete with others. I simply do and be the best that I can be, and enjoy being me.” ~~ Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmation: Desire Is A Compass

“Desire is a compass for our lives’ directions. As we become clear in what we want, as we allow ourselves to yearn, we become conduits for the Universe to act upon us and through us. My desire is a prayer impressed on the heart of God. My openness is the willingness to receive. My courage is the faith to act on what I receive, allowing blessings to flow to me from many sources.”

“Today, I admit my desires. I accept the path they suggest to me. If only one step at a time, I move in the direction of my dreams. I am alert, too, to my dreams moving toward me. I accept the forward motion of my heart’s desire. I allow the Universe to answer my prayers and I am grateful for the support and abundance which I receive.” – Julia Cameron, Transitions: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life.

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