Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Ego

Reflections: Moving, Changing

When I look at bare trees, I see ever moving, ever changing limbs of life that are preparing to bloom again. For, they have their seasons just as we do. Our lives are indeed ever moving, ever changing and in that movement and growth we grow as a tree grows.

Sometimes we feel as though our lives are caught in some strange vortex, in which we liquify, as the bare limbs in the photo above have been.

We feel our selves spinning around, flowing in every which way, unable to grasp a bare branch and hold on. It takes our breath away. It confuses our senses. It is ego, fear manifest. Be it brief or lingering, we simply want the whirling to stop.

Give in to the vortex, take the ride… Understand that all things in life happen for a reason, and there are lessons to be learned.

I always know, deep down in my heart and soul, that if I am lost, I will be found. And I will be stronger for the wild ride in the vortex of life…


(Photo: Hawk Silhouette in Vortex Tree ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Food For Thought: Problems

When we have problems, issues in our lives, we must choose to solve those problems by facing them head on and making the effort to understand the problem…

The mere desire to resolve a problem is an escape from the problem, is it not? I haven’t gone into the problem, I haven’t studied it, explored it, understood it. I don’t know the beauty or the ugliness or the depth of the problem; my only concern is to resolve it, put it away. This urge to resolve a problem without having understood it is an escape from the problem – and therefore it becomes another problem. Every escape breeds further problems.” ~~ Talks by Krishnamurti in Saanen, 1964

We can not escape our problems, as J. Krishnamurti points out above, because in attempting to escape our problems we simply create more problems. And then our problems compound on top of each other and we create a proverbial mountain from a mole hill.

When there is conflict in our lives, J. Krishnamurti asserts that “conflict becomes more and more complex and insoluble because we do not face what is.” As Krishnamurti goes on to say, “There is no complexity in what is, but only in the many escapes that we seek.”

It’s one thing to take time to reflect on our problems and go deep inside our hearts and minds to question and find solution, but we cannot and we must not use escapism as route to “solve” our problems.

Communication with one’s self and others involved in problems that arise in our lives, is the key to solving our problems. We must shut out the ego that gives us false fear driven solutions and listen deeply to the open heart.

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