Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Excitement

Daily Affirmations: New Beginnings

Today, I re-mind myself how wonderful new beginnings can be. I welcome the new beginning coming up in my life and I embrace it with joy and the excitement of the new possibilities it will bring. ~ Pamela Leavey

ivy on the old red barn

(Photo: Ivy on the Point Shore Old Red Barn ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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On The River: Early Signs of Spring

We wait with anxious excitement as Winter wanes, for early signs of Spring.

This Winter has been so unseasonably warm and we’ve had no significant snow what-so-ever.

Today I discovered the first signs of early Spring in my front perrenial garden…

Three little newly sprouted yellow crocuses:

I could see signs of more crocuses sprouting through the garden, that sorely needs to be cleaned up… Keep sprouting little crocuses… I look forward to your purple friends to show their faces soon.

(Photo: Yellow Crocus on Point Shore in Amesbury, MA ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey ~ February 19, 2012)

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Food For Thought: One Must Have Great Feelings

J. Krishnamurti…

In the modern world where there are so many problems, one is apt to lose great feeling. I mean by that word feeling, not sentiment, not emotionalism, not mere excitement, but that quality of perception, the quality of hearing, listening, the quality of feeling -a bird singing on a tree, the movement of a leaf in the sun. To feel things greatly, deeply, penetratingly, is very difficult for most of us because we have so many problems. Whatever we seem to touch turns into a problem. And, apparently, there is no end to man’s problems, and he seems utterly incapable of resolving them because the more the problems exist, the less the feelings become.

I mean by “feeling” the appreciation of the curve of a branch, the squalor, the dirt on the road, to be sensitive to the sorrow of another, to be in a state of ecstasy when we see a sunset. These are not sentiments, these are not mere emotions. Emotion and sentiment or sentimentality turn to cruelty, they can be used by society; and when there is sentiment, sensation, then one becomes a slave to society. But one must have great feelings. The feeling for beauty, the feeling for a word, the silence between two words, and the hearing of a sound clearly;all that generates feeling. And one must have strong feelings, because it is only the feelings that make the mind highly sensitive. ~ The Book of Life

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