Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Habit

Daily Inspirations

“Taking action over and over again strengthens your will, nurtures the seed, and establishes a solid foundation for the new habit to grow.” ~~ Don Miguel Ruiz: The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom: A Toltec Wisdom Book

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Food For Thought

J. Krishnamurti… Energy without a center

The complete stillness of the brain is an extraordinary thing; it is highly sensitive, vigorous, fully alive, aware of every outward movement but utterly still. It is still as it is completely open, without any hindrance, without any secret wants and pursuits; it is still as there is no conflict which is essentially a state of contradiction. It is utterly still in emptiness; this emptiness is not a state of vacuum, a blankness; it is energy without a centre, without a border. Walking down the crowded street, smelly and sordid, with the buses roaring by, the brain was aware of the things about it and the body was walking along, sensitive, alive to the smells, to the dirt, to the sweating labourers but there was no centre from which watching, directing, censoring took place. During the whole of that mile and back the brain was without a movement, as thought and feeling; the body was getting tired, unaccustomed to the frightful heat and humidity though the sun had set some time ago. It was a strange phenomenon though it had happened several times before. One can never get used to any of these things for it is not a thing of habit and desire. It is always surprising, after it is over. ~~ Krishnamurti’s Notebook Part 6

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Food For Thought: A Passionate Mind is Inquiring

J. Krishnamurti

Obviously there must be passion, and the question is how to revive that passion. Do not let us misunderstand each other. I mean passion in every sense, not merely sexual passion, which is a very small thing. And most of us are satisfied with that because every other passion has been destroyed-in the office, in the factory, through following a certain job, routine, learning techniques- so there is no passion left; there is no creative sense of urgency and release. Therefore sex becomes important to us, and there we get lost in petty passion which becomes an enormous problem to the narrow, virtuous mind, or else it soon becomes a habit and dies. I am using the word passion as a total thing. A passionate man who feels strongly is not satisfied merely with some little job, whether it be the job of a prime minister, or of a cook, or what you will. A mind that is passionate is inquiring, searching, looking, asking, demanding, not merely trying to find for its discontent some object in which it can fulfill itself and go to sleep. A passionate mind is groping, seeking, breaking through, not accepting any tradition; it is not a decided mind, not a mind that has arrived, but it is a young mind that is ever arriving. ~~ The Book of Life

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Daily Affirmations: Change

Procrastination is a biggie for me. I am always procrastinating and it’s a hard habit to break. I’m working on my procrastination list little by little right now. And I still have to re-mind myself sometimes:

“Change starts from within. Today, I will tackle at least one thing I have procrastinated over for too long. ” ~~ Pamela Leavey

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