Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: intent

Daily Affirmations: I Release the Stress and Pain

In recent weeks I have been working on the things I carry around with me that I need to release. I struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, along with Osteoarthritis. Add in General Anxiety Disorder, and you’ve got a sometimes debilitating mix of fatigue, stress, and pain. Two weeks ago, I started repeating a daily mantra to release the emotional aspect of health issues wearing me down. Our emotions play a big role in our health. When we can release our emotions that are affecting us, it makes a huge difference in the way we feel. I hope this simple affirmations helps others as it has helped me…

“Today, I release the stress and pain I am carrying. When stress and pain arise in my day, I take a moment to acknowledge what I am feeling and release it. With a deep breath in, on my exhale I let it go. Each time throughout the day that I release the stress and pain I am carrying, the burden becomes a little lighter.” – Pamela Leavey

Our intent can be very powerful when we put it to work… Intent makes manifest.

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Daily Affirmations: Powerful and Strong

Today, I re-mind myself that my will is powerful and strong. I am confident that my intent is capable of manifesting my desires and I know that my desires are healthy and positive, serving only to empower my good intent. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

immature red tail hawk

(Photo: Immature Red Tail Hawk at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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