January 19, 2013

words and pictures....
January 19, 2013
June 6, 2012
“The greatest gift we can give to a person in pain is to hold in our own minds the thought that there is a light beyond this darkness. What goes on externally is only the tip of the iceberg in any situation. The lessons, the real changes, the opportunities to grow-these are things the body’s eyes can’t see. They remain beneath the spiritual water line, but they are there. And they represent a much more vast picture of the soul’s journey than what we can see from the perspective of our physical senses. Growth is not always about getting what we think we want. Always, it’s about becoming the men and women we have the potential to be. Loving, pure, honest, clear.” – Marianne Williamson – A Return To Love
March 5, 2012
A little something to break up the day… This is visually astounding to watch…
The timelapse imagery was captured by the gang over at Sunchaser Pictures, who took these photos while visiting this past weekend.
Joshua Tree Journey: Part 2 from Sunchaser Pictures on Vimeo.
Enjoy… I had the opportunity while living in Los Angeles to drive through part of Joshua Tree with my daughter one time while we spending a few days in Palm Springs vacationing. It’s an amazing National Park, one I would love to visit again, although I no longer live in California.
February 17, 2012
I just finished listening to this wonderful audio of David Whyte, from Sounds True:
David Whyte explores the “courageous step” that is often so difficult for us to make on our own journey, and gently reveals the way we unknowingly sabotage ourselves instead of turning towards life’s challenges.
It’s an absolute must listen if your going through change on your journey through life ~~ Listen here.
February 7, 2012
I have alluded here from time to time that I have been on a path filled with struggles in recent weeks. It has been a time that many would call, the dark nights of the soul, referring to a time in one’s life when spiritual practice and discipline suddenly loses all it’s experiential value.
This particular journey through the dark nights of the soul started for me when I had what then seemed like a minor fall in my driveway, on the last full moon, January 8 ~ the Wolf Moon.
That fall however, coupled with other concurring trials and tribulations, has managed to turn my world upside down and leave my soul weary and wondering. (more…)
February 3, 2012
Sometimes the universe heaps so much unsavory matter in our lives, we feel swallowed up by the enormity of it all. It is there, we are in times of deepest despair and sorrow, brought to our knees. Some of us, come to know this time as the Dark Nights of the Soul.
It is here, we lay our troubles ahead of us like an unknown path to a destination that was not on our agenda. Crippled we find ourselves unable to walk the path and find the answers waiting in the light.
But trust we must, that the answers to our questions will be answered if we still our hearts and minds and listen.
It is there in the still of the dark night, that we cry out in anguish that life is so unfair. We weary of the thought of carrying on, because we have been worn down by so much grief.
And so in the darkness, we take one small step at a time, towards the light, with trust and faith that we will be encompassed with the ever glorious light of the universe.
Though the journey might be tough and and the process slower than we wished, we must all take this journey at times in our lives, because it is on this journey that we learn the lessons necessary and gain the strength to move forward in our lives.
The light is there… Trust we must.
(Photo: Parker River Sunset ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)