Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Mirror

Reflections: When The Tree Shakes

Sometimes in life you step out of your comfort zone and take a chance… Stepping out on a limb, you trust the universe to keep you safe.

But then, the tree shakes because maybe it’s not strong enough to bear your weight and you plummet to the ground.

So you ask the tree, why did you let me down, but the tree doesn’t respond, it just looks at you and shakes, leaving you filled with uncertainty and pain.

There is heartbreak in losing trust. There is grief in what you may think of as your own failure to recognize, that the tree wasn’t as strong and powerful as it appeared.

Illusions can get shattered like the glass in a mirror. In time with reflection you move past the heartbreak and grief and find your bearings once again. Healing takes time.

(Photo: Tree at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Loreena McKennitt: The Dark Night Of The Soul (Live)

Loreena McKennitt performs The Dark Night Of The Soul, live…

Loreena McKennitt has such an amazing voice… she sings so effortlessly and carries you away with her beautiful melodies.

Dark Nights Of The Soul is from the CD Mask & Mirror.


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Food For Thought

More from J. Krishnamurti again today, because his wisdom and teachings speak the truth…

Relationship Is a Mirror

Surely, only in relationship the process of what I am unfolds, does it not? Relationship is a mirror in which I see myself as I am; but as most of us do not like what we are, we begin to discipline, either positively or negatively, what we perceive in the mirror of relationship. That is, I discover something in relationship, in the action of relationship, and I do not like it. So, I begin to modify what I do not like, what I perceive as being unpleasant. I want to change it; which means I already have a pattern of what I should be. The moment there is a pattern of what I should be, there is no comprehension of what I am. The moment I have a picture of what I want to be, or what I should be, or what I ought not to be, a standard according to which I want to change myself; then, surely, there is no comprehension of what I am at the moment of relationship. I think it is really important to understand this, for I think this is where most of us go astray. We do not want to know what we actually are at a given moment in relationship. If we are concerned merely with self-improvement, there is no comprehension of ourselves, of what is.

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Food For Thought: Passion Without a Cause

J. Krishnamurti

In the state of passion without a cause there is intensity free of all attachment; but when passion has a cause, there is attachment, and attachment is the beginning of sorrow. Most of us are attached, we cling to a person, to a country, to a belief, to an idea, and when the object of our attachment is taken away or otherwise loses its significance, we find ourselves empty, insufficient. This emptiness we try to fill by clinging to something else, which again becomes the object of our passion.

Examine your own heart and mind. I am merely a mirror in which you are looking at yourself. If you don’t want to look, that is quite all right; but if you do want to look, then look at yourself clearly, ruthlessly, with intensity -not in the hope of dissolving your miseries, your anxieties, your sense of guilt, but in order to understand this extraordinary passion which always leads to sorrow.

When passion has a cause it becomes lust. When there is a passion for something -for a person, for an idea, for some kind of fulfillment- then out of that passion there comes contradiction, conflict, effort. You strive to achieve or maintain a particular state, or to recapture one that has been and is gone. But the passion of which I am speaking does not give rise to contradiction, conflict. It is totally unrelated to a cause, and therefore it is not an effect.  ~ The Book of Life

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Wise Women

Wise Women

It has been said that wise women
Have many stories to tell,
Perhaps that may be true
Of those who have lived
On the edge of both
Heaven and hell.
I wake each day to face the mirror
To see a face that hides
It’s past,
Oh yes, you see it has it’s stories
That hide behind the painted mask.

c. Pamela J. Leavey 1994

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