The fine art landscape photos available below are some of my favorites. I hope they will be your favorites too. All of the photos in this collection were taken in the Newburyport, Massachusetts area at either Maudslay State Park or the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.
All prints are 8″ x 12″ Giclée Prints on Fine Art Paper. Print prices at $32.99, with a 9.99 flat rate shipping fee added at the Checkout to the total cost of your order.
Check back for more prints, coming soon…
Golden Light on North Pool Overlook No. 1
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
October Dogwood at Maudslay State Park
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
Fall Leaves at Maudslay State Park
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
Golden Light on North Pool Overlook No. 2
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
Dike Trail at Hell Cat Swamp No. 1
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
Trees at Hell Cat Swamp
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
Hell Cat Swamp No. 1, at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
Dike Trail at Hell Cat Swamp No. 2
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
Fall Foliage at Maudslay State Park
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
Dogwood’s Fall Colors at Maudslay State Park
8″ x 12″ Giclée Print – $32.99 each
All prints ship within 3 – 7 business days.
Artist Statement: As a photographer I am drawn to color, light, movement, patterns and reflections that occur in nature. I am a visual spatial person who naturally sees what is before my eyes within a frame. Throughout my life I have been inspired by art and nature, each in their many forms. Photography a marvelous medium for me as multimedia artist, writer and photographer, as it provides an instant gratification of creating something tangible that I can share with others. I hope you find inspiration in my work, and invest in my artistic vision. With gratitude… Pamela Leavey
In recent weeks I have been working on the things I carry around with me that I need to release. I struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, along with Osteoarthritis. Add in General Anxiety Disorder, and you’ve got a sometimes debilitating mix of fatigue, stress, and pain. Two weeks ago, I started repeating a daily mantra to release the emotional aspect of health issues wearing me down. Our emotions play a big role in our health. When we can release our emotions that are affecting us, it makes a huge difference in the way we feel. I hope this simple affirmations helps others as it has helped me…
“Today, I release the stress and pain I am carrying. When stress and pain arise in my day, I take a moment to acknowledge what I am feeling and release it. With a deep breath in, on my exhale I let it go. Each time throughout the day that I release the stress and pain I am carrying, the burden becomes a little lighter.” – Pamela Leavey
Our intent can be very powerful when we put it to work… Intent makes manifest.
Snowy Owls are back for the winter at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island in the coastal Newburyport, Massachusetts area. I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing my first Snowy Owl the year yet this season, but starting next week when I am finished with my Fall 2014 classes at UMass Amherst’s UWW, I’ll be heading to the Refuge in search of these majestic beauties. Nothing spells rest and relaxation for me more than time outdoors in every season, enjoying the diverse wildlife at my beloved Refuge.
The photo above was taken at the Newbury Salt Marsh, just outside of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, in December 2013. (more…)
Salt Pannes at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
“There are many callings in this life and we can answer them all, or we can choose to ignore them. When we ignore them we lose the possibility of expanding who we are and why we are here.” – Pamela Leavey
Afternoon on the Salt Pannes ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Each time I drive through the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge and cast my vision across the Salt Pannes, I see a new and different landscape that changes from day to day, week to week, month to month, as our lives do.
In truth, nothing should stay the same, for it did, we would be stuck in one place, one moment in time and we would never grow or learn or experience the wonders of life.
Nature is my grounding zone that subtlely reminds me of who I am and where I am going.
Life is a series of paths, trails and roads. A small path takes you to a larger trail… You follow along that trail in contemplation and then you meet the road. The road moves faster than the path or trail. On the road, you take action, you sometimes need to think quickly. Traveling on the road takes a different type of self participation. Sometimes you feel that you have traveled a road far enough and you need to get off that road. That is okay, because you can always start again at a new path. – Pamela J. Leavey
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Musing and Rambling
Sometimes I muse and I ramble because I can... I muse about life and things that matter to me...
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Your donations or subscriptions help keep my freelance writing and photography here online. Thank you in advance for your support. ~ Pamela Leavey
To Purchase Pamela Leavey’s Photography
If you are interested in purchasing photography on this website please use Menu links to my Photography Shop or use the Contact Page to inquire about the availability of a particular image that you are interested in.
Include the link to the page that the image is on, and type “Photography Purchase” in the subject line of your message.
Prints are available for most of the photos on the website that are watermarked “Pamela J Leavey” or “Pamela Leavey.”