Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Perceptions

Daily Affirmations: Perceptions of Wrongs

“Today, I promise to forgive. For I acknowledge that, that place in me that holds on to grievances, only holds me down. In order to live my life fully, I must let go of all perceptions of wrongs, done to me or by me. As I forgive myself, I also forgive others. Today, I promise to forgive.” ~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Signs of Spring ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Inspiration

Via Marianne Williamson on Facebook:

Affirmation for the day: “My present happiness is all I see.” (A Course in Miracles). This affirmation instructs the subconscious mind to select the perceptions and data that support your happiness. It is an exercise in positivity, which then attracts what it affirms…

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Daily Affirmation: This Life Is Spirit

“One life, one love, one energy runs through all of creation. This Life is Spirit, an inner river that can be tapped into at any time. Knowing this, we are divinely guided at all times. In any place, in any circumstance, the Inner Voice has clarity and direction for me, if I will seek it out. Often it is just an act of focusing that brings the sense of direction more fully into play. When outward events jostle me with their velocity and turbulence, I must actively turn within, seeking higher perceptions.”

“Today, I release the urgency of outer events. I listen to the inner rhythm of God. I set my pace by divine guidance. The world and its busy agendas do not control my soul. My soul rests in God: good, orderly direction.” – Julia Cameron, Transitions: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life.

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