Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: To Be Empowered

Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

got it

To be empowered, I re-mind myself that I am the person responsible for my life and all the extraneous things that happened in my life in the past that caused me pain, are past. I can change the way I look at the past by offering forgiveness to those I perceive have done me wrong. I can ask for healing to change my view of the past. And if, sometimes, as life would happen, things come up in the present to remind me of the past and dredge up my sad and hurtful feelings of the past, I can take some time to examine why these issues still cause me pain and work towards understanding and releasing that pain. In that I will find that “got it” moment when things are clear and I can let go. Namaste… Pamela

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