Daily Affirmations: When Intent Does Indeed Make Manifest
February 12, 2020
The power of intent can be very potent. We don’t always realize or recognize when intent shows up in our world. Maybe we are caught up in our busy lives, or we’re buried in worries and concerns. Things might seem so very black and white instead full of color.

We become tethered to our daily lives and we go about our days without recognizing those moments when our intent works. But stop and think for moment or more about events in your recent life when you’ve thought of something you wanted or needed, and then suddenly it appears. That is the power of intent.
Today, I affirm that intent makes manifest. I recognize that I have the power to make things happen when I set my intent towards whatever my goal, need or want may be. I acknowledge that not every intent will come to fruition but I remember to look for the grace that happens in those moments when intent does indeed make manifest and we see the color and light in our world. And, so it is…