What We Are All Experiencing Right Now
March 18, 2021
Good Morning Everyone…
I grew quiet yesterday feeling the weight of the past year. Some times you just need to draw back and be in that space, the space of quiet, the space of contemplation, and then the space of acceptance. We can’t change the circumstances of the pandemic we are all in. We can only find ways to get through it, and with inner work, grow stronger from the experience. I’ve been through a lot of hard times, loss and grief in my life, These things have made me a stronger, better person. What we are all experiencing right now is part of the collective path that we are all in, in own way, in our our own places and spaces.
Each day, I hold onto hope. I have learned through this pandemic that “Hope,” as Gloria Steinem said, “is a very unruly emotion.” I agree with Steinem, but I also believe that all emotions are unruly. At times we might swim through a stream of emotions, as we have through this pandemic.
I wish you all a day of peace and grace, and bright blessings. Hold on to your hope, and be kind to one another.