Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: pandemic

Top Ten Reasons I am Not Writing

I have to say, I been thinking about this problem for quite some time now. This thick, cold steel wall of writer’s block that now seems wholly and completely impenetrable. As I ponder this problem yet again, today I have come up with the top ten reasons why I am not writing.


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Heavier to Carry

Greetings of the Day…

It is a bright, sunny morning here in Massachusetts’ North Shore. Every day, I’ve been watching over my bulbs that I planted last fall. So far, I have some crocus and some daffodils blooming, and lots of tulips coming up. I feel very protective of my spring bulbs. They are the first bulbs I’ve planted in about 10 years. I love to garden. The pandemic brought that joy back into my life.

I have to admit though, gardening was a lot easier when I was younger! These days, I take it a little slower and that’s just fine. Especially after a year of sitting around the house, in pandemic lock down mode. I’m zapped. The emotional toll of the pandemic is heavy. We go about our days the best we can, the numbers, those we have lost, hang quietly in the back of our minds, too much to convey.

Everyday, I just do the best I can, because that is all any of us can do, not just now, in the midst of the pandemic, but in life as well. We all have silent struggles, that we tuck away, or we work through them. It’s far better to work through those silent struggles, that to tuck them away, because when we tuck them away they became heavier to carry.

Don’t carry the struggles, let them open up, and blossom, and listen to what they are teaching you. Struggles are lessons. We’re here to learn. The lessons of the last year have been tough, but we’ve all learned to find joy in the midst.

I wish you all a blessed day…

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Pandemic Fog

Good Morning Everyone… I’ve grown very quiet in the past couple of weeks. I’m normally a pretty quiet person, living alone for many years, but lately the fog of the pandemic has left me with little to say.

I know I’m not alone. I’ve read some articles about the (brain) fog of the pandemic, the burnout. Today, I want to send out love to everyone who is feeling this stage of the pandemic. The only way through this pandemic and all it the changes it is brought to our lives, is to accept it and go with the flow.

Sending love to all today. Be kind to one another and gentle with yourself.

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A Surprise That Brings Joy

Greetings of the Day…

What a bright and beautiful spring day it is. We’ve had nothing but sunshine since the first day of spring. I’ve spent more time outside than in, in the past few days. Soaking up the sun, listening to the birds and monitoring the bulbs that I have planted as they poke out of the soil that is warming in the sun. So far I have some tulips, daffodils and crocus coming up. I confess, I do not quite remember what all I planted. I love a good surprise, a surprise that brings joy.


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What We Are All Experiencing Right Now

Good Morning Everyone…

I grew quiet yesterday feeling the weight of the past year. Some times you just need to draw back and be in that space, the space of quiet, the space of contemplation, and then the space of acceptance. We can’t change the circumstances of the pandemic we are all in. We can only find ways to get through it, and with inner work, grow stronger from the experience. I’ve been through a lot of hard times, loss and grief in my life, These things have made me a stronger, better person. What we are all experiencing right now is part of the collective path that we are all in, in own way, in our our own places and spaces.

Hellcat Swamp

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Breaking A Long Spell of Writer’s Block

Greetings of the Day to All…

I’ve been working on breaking a long spell of writer’s block, that has quite frankly, gone on too long. Writing here on a more regular basis has been very helpful and I’m starting to feel accountable to showing up and writing something, anything on this page. The fact is, I’ve got a lot of things to write about and right now that seems more appealing than working on memoir and personal essay revision.

So, I’m a mission to shake off my writer’s block and I hope you’ll join me on my journey as I poke about for interesting things to write about and maybe bring back an old popular topic here, Daily Affirmations.

Life is a path. It’s a metaphor I use often because I am a walker, and over the years I’ve recognized the changes in my life are shifts in the path. One year into the COVID pandemic, I shifting my path. I am not sure where it will lead me. Time, non-existent time, will tell.

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