Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

A Surprise That Brings Joy

Greetings of the Day…

What a bright and beautiful spring day it is. We’ve had nothing but sunshine since the first day of spring. I’ve spent more time outside than in, in the past few days. Soaking up the sun, listening to the birds and monitoring the bulbs that I have planted as they poke out of the soil that is warming in the sun. So far I have some tulips, daffodils and crocus coming up. I confess, I do not quite remember what all I planted. I love a good surprise, a surprise that brings joy.

Joy comes in many colors, sizes and shapes. It manifests in so many ways. Joy is infectious. Joy makes me sing and dance to the music. Sometimes, joy makes me simply gaze in awe. Last April, in the early weeks of the pandemic, with no gardens of my own yet, the church across the street had this lovely display of spring in their planter box out front. These flowers across the street brought me a lot of joy everyday, and gave me the opportunity to grab my camera and spend some time doing what I love, floral photography.

Flowers have always been a part of my life, from my mother’s beautiful flower gardens to working in the floral industry and owning my own shop in Newburyport, Mass in the 1980’s. Back then I had a copy of Irving Penn’s Flowers, and his work enthralled and fascinated me. His work brought me joy, as did my work as a florist. But, I digress…

May you all find a surprise that brings you joy today. Joy is in the little things, joy is everywhere. Open your heart and let joy in.

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