Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Top Ten Reasons I am Not Writing

I have to say, I been thinking about this problem for quite some time now. This thick, cold steel wall of writer’s block that now seems wholly and completely impenetrable. As I ponder this problem yet again, today I have come up with the top ten reasons why I am not writing.

  1. Because I typed a post and highlighted a section to delete and somehow I managed to delete the who post. True fact. Just now.
  2. Because I spend too much time on social media. Look me up… Click the icons at the top right of the page. Follow me so I can spend more time on social media!
  3. Because I took a break after I finished my Master’s in Creative Writing and then the pandemic started.
  4. Because every time I tried to get back into writing since the pandemic, something always seems to happen to throw me off course.
  5. Because I need stimulation (conversations about like minded things are the best) to write. Sitting at home alone, day after day, during Pandemic Season 1, I had very little outside stimulation other than social media.
  6. Because now into Pandemic Season 2, having gotten out and about to see some old friends at my hometown’s recent yearly festival, Yankee Homecoming (or as we natives say, “Yankee Go Home”), I recognize the need for more of that – stimulation.
  7. Because I’m not sure where to start on all my various works in progress (WIP), two memoirs, a historical novel based in my hometown area, a novel about my earlier life, a book of poetry and two daily affirmations manuscripts. I have way too many WIP’s.
  8. Because I miss academia. I miss writing classes and workshopping with other writers. I miss talking about genre’s and good books written by other writers.
  9. Because after two years and some months of not writing, I feel less confident about my work as I did while in school. Throw in some anxiety and depression – thank you life and the pandemic. Add in some people who question, why I am writing memoir. You memoir writer’s know the term – navel gazing. “Oh, that’s just navel gazing,” someone I know said when she asked what I was working on.
  10. Because maybe I just need a new project to get me into the swing of things again. Or maybe I just need to pick a WIP and get to it. I just don’t know.

There are days, when I am looking about for stimulation, that vital thing that some writer’s really need, and I feel this… Where are my imaginary friends when I need a rousing conversation to jolt my mind?

I’m really grateful today that I took to the time to write out my very honest top ten reasons for not writing. It got me thinking, and it got me writing about an important topic for writers – writer’s block. It’s very common. I know that I am not the only writer to suffer through a long dry spell, and there will be other’s after me. Writer’s block can cause a lot of grief for writer’s. I’d love to know if you’re suffering from writer’s black as well. If you are you are part of my tribe. What are your top ten reasons for not writing?

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