Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Reflection: Who Am I and Why Am I Here

Who am I and why am I here? Let me fill you in on what I am up to… I’ve been working on my website for a couple of months now. It had fallen by the wayside while I was in school for six and half years. A month ago, I had written here that I was working on “getting back on track with my writing.” I have to say, it feels good to be back at it. One of the focuses I have had in the past two weeks now is to get back on track with writing Daily Affirmations.

Snowy Egret at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.

I’ve been sharing other writers affirmations and then writing my own Daily Affirmations online now for over 20 years. I initially started sharing affirmations online daily on my first business website, the now defunct The business was a new age aromatherapy and bath & body business. I made my own products and built my website and taught myself to self-market my products online reading everything I could about how to market products online. One of the common themes was that the more content you had online the more traffic you would receive and the longer you would keep someone on your website. That still holds today.


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Daily Affirmations: Making a Difference in the World

We’re all here on this planet to make a difference in the world. We may not feel as though we are, but truly it is the little things that make a difference. Being kind to someone. Giving someone a hug. Letting people know that you love them and you are there for them. It is all these things and more that start us on the path to making a difference in the world. I’ve found in my own life when I reach out to help others, I benefit as well, for it truly is a gift to ourselves to be kind to someone or help someone in need.

Today, I affirm that I am here on this planet to make a difference in the world. I will reach out to my loved ones. I will strike up a conversation with a stranger and tell them to have an awesome day. I will help someone in need. And so it is that in work this and every day to make the world a better place, that intent makes manifest.

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Daily Affirmations: I Have Love in My Heart

I woke this morning and sat up in bed and I smiled. I felt ready to take on the day and make it be an awesome day, because I woke with love in my heart. It’s been a while since I woke feeling that life is good because my life has been on a rather uneven keel for quite some time. But things have been shift. The keel is stabilizing and so am I. It’s taken a lot of inner work to get here. But recognizing the love I have in my life has brought me back to center.

Red tulip

Today, I affirm that I have love in my heart and love in my life. I am happy. I am abundant. I re-mind myself that love is all there is. And so it is that I set forth on this day and every day to share my love with all. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

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Daily Affirmations: Breathe Out Our Troubles

Life can often make us feel overwhelmed. In today’s world, we’re worried not just about our own problems but also the troubles of the world. It’s tough navigating everything and feeling like we’re on top of it all every day. Sometimes, we need to sit back and take a deep breath and exhale. And then take another one and exhale. Breath in and release. It feels so good to breath out our troubles and release them to the Universe.

Beach at Sandy Point, Plum Island, Massachusetts

Today I affirm that I can not solve all of my problems or the problems of the world in this moment. I take a deep breath and exhale and repeat. I imagine the waves at the beach, coming in slowly and then drawing back and I allow myself to simply be in the moment. I re-mind myself, that there is only now, in this moment and I am powerless and at peace right now. And so it is, intent makes manifest.

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Poetry: Life Changes Who We Are

The Pink House, Plum Island, Massachusetts
Life Changes Who We Are 

The wind howled, 
It shook the house 
And tossed dead branches to the ground. 
What if I were the wind
I questioned—
Would I be a soft and gentle breeze
Or might I blow as wild as the furies,
Hot and cracking with the spark
That could light a brush fire
Without a care.
Maybe life is 
Just a confluence of conditions
That blows
Like the wind
Either wreaking havoc 
Or softly caressing
Our worn-down souls. 
Once, I might have been a fury—
Young and filled with eager energy
Now I am the gentle breeze
Caressing life with a touch like feather
The cool tickle across my skin.
We never remain the same for long
Life changes who we are. 
 © March 2017

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Daily Affirmations: The Power to Pull Myself Up and Be Happy

When you’re stuck in a rut, it is often difficult to get yourself up and out of that rut. The rut maybe deep or it maybe shallow, but you’re stuck and you can’t see your way clear to find your way out of the rut. Remember back to a time when you were stuck in another rut. We’ve all been there. Ask yourself what you did to get out of the rut before. If you think back you will probably realize that you remembered something that made you happy when you did it. And so you climbed out of that rut and started doing that happy thing. Every day.

Today, I re-mind myself that I can get up out of that rut, and be happy. I search my memories and I re-mind myself of something that I like to do that makes me happy and I do it. It’s not something extravagant, it is something simple. For it is true that the simple things in life that make us happy. Today, I affirm that I hold the power to pull myself up and be happy. It is in the intent that that I set to be happy, that I create the space for happiness to grow. And so it it, intent makes manifest.

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