Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Photo Essay: At the Water’s Edge

One early April day a couple of years ago, I was walking on the beach at the Sandy Point State Reservation located at the southern tip of Plum Island, Massachusetts. I’ve been going to the beach at Sandy Point since I was a young child. As I walked along the beach, I noticed a small boy standing at the water’s edge watching the shallow waves coming towards him. There’s something very special about watching children at play on the beach. If like me, you grew up near the beach, the vision of a young child at the water’s edge takes you back to your own childhood.

I remember standing at the water’s edge in that same way, looking at the water working its way towards me and then swirling around my feet. There’s a moment when we reach the water’s edge, no matter how old we are, that we stand pensively watching the water in a state of wonder. And then we look to one side or the other, and we start to move along the lapping waves, because we are curious why each wave disperses along the beach in a different way.


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Daily Affirmations: On Love

Love comes in many forms and it is all around us. It’s important to recognize this, especially if you are, like me, single. Valentine’s Day can be a tough day for single people. We look around and see that people in our lives have a significant other and we don’t. It can bring us down, make us feel sorry for ourselves or we can look at love from a different perspective. I choose to look at love from a different perspective, for I know that despite the fact that I am single, I have love in my life.

And so it is, that I affirm today, that I have love in my life. I am open hearted and I am a conduit for and of love. Love is all around me, love is all there is. And today, as I go about my day, I will re-mind myself that I am love. I am abundant, I have love in my life. Intent makes manifest.

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Daily Affirmations: I Open the Channels to Greater Creativity and Productivity

Sometimes we find ourselves struggling to be creative and productive. It’s only normal, we all have times when our creativity wanes and our productivity winds down to a slow crawl. In those times, I find myself these days, stepping back and honoring the message that I need to take it slow. And perhaps I need to simply sit and ponder…

Eastern Blue Bird

We all need to clear our minds and open the channels to creative energy on occasion. A break from our daily routines can provide us with a refreshed attitude, a more open mind and heart, and the impetus to be creative and productive once again.

Today, I affirm that taking the time to renew and reboot is a vital part of life and the process of creativity. I re-mind myself that there should be no guilt, no remorse in stepping back to clear my heart and mind. And so it is, when I take time for myself, I open the channels to greater creativity and productivity. In that, intent makes manifest.

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Daily Affirmations: When Intent Does Indeed Make Manifest

The power of intent can be very potent. We don’t always realize or recognize when intent shows up in our world. Maybe we are caught up in our busy lives, or we’re buried in worries and concerns. Things might seem so very black and white instead full of color.


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Daily Affirmations: I Will Not Be Deterred

With each new day, we have the opportunity to start over. The canvas is fresh and we can decide how we want to color our day and our life. We’re all here to make a difference in the world. We’re all here live our best lives. We can decide how we want our day to affect us. We can reject negativity that is thrown our way, we can decide to rise above the obstacles that impede us.

Maudslay State Park, Newburyport, Massachusetts

Within every wall that blocks our walk of life, there is an opening to escape what holds us in. Don’t let the walls keep you from moving forward. Find an opening and discover a different way.

Today, I affirm that I will not be deterred by negativity, obstacles or walls that keep me from living my fullest life. I have the power to move forward each and every day, and in that power rests my ability to color my world and the world around me with love and light. And so it is, I set my intent and recognize… Intent makes manifest.

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Daily Affirmations: Today, I Affirm That I Will Find My Way

Sometimes the path seems so obscured. We’ve lost track of where we’re going and how to get there. It’s only natural that in life we have times that cause us to lose focus, retreat into the dilemmas and circumstances of our lives that bring us down. Sometimes we drift so low that we feel trapped in a abyss of darkness, barely able to see the light. Everything that we’ve learned becomes a distant memory, as we sort through the mire that brought us to our knees.

Maudslay State Park, Newburyport, Massachusetts

Even when we start to feel our strength return, and our minds clear from the fog of sadness and sometimes depression, we still struggle to get back on track. This is where we learn to walk again. This is where we learn that we can’t rush back into action. We can and must move slowly to regain our footing and find our way once again.

Today, I re-mind myself that though the path may seem obscured, and though I have been to the abyss, I am slowly moving forward into the light once more.

Today, I affirm that I will find my way. Each day as I grow stronger, the veil of mist that obscures the path, lifts a little higher, as do I. And so it is, in my trust that all things do pass, I affirm the path I am looking for will be revealed.

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