Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Flowers

Daily Affirmations: Make a Difference

Today, I re-mind myself that we all can make a difference in the world if we try. And so it is that I ask this day and each day forward that I may be a conduit for good and change in the world. I set my intent to make a difference, first on the smaller scale of those in my life, and then reaching out to the wider platform of the Universe, that I might inspire and enthuse others to be of like mind. This is my mission today and every day, to make a difference. May I light up someone’s life with joy and happiness. May I bring someone peace and solace. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Peony Black & White

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Prosperous and Abundant

To be prosperous and abundant, I must acknowledge that prosperity is the natural state of acceptance for all that I have in my life. Prosperity and abundance are not limited to material things and objects. When I am grateful for the riches of my life that are outside of the bounds of material possessions, I am open to receive. When I am grateful for my abundance, in every way, I am open to receive. When I am open to receive, I set the space for more riches to enter my life. As I use my intent to acknowledge my prosperity and abundance, I plant the garden in which my riches might grow. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.


Blessed Be… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: The Power of Clear Intent

Today, I re-mind myself to look closely at my goals and desires and make certain that they are clear. I understand that in setting goals, it is important to understand that typically it takes time for our goals and desires to come to fruition, for these are things that we must work at, rather than sit back and expect them to come to us. And so today, I also set space for the practice of patience, for I know that patience is required to see these things through. With clear intent, I open myself to the divine possibilities that flow from the Universe, for it is in those divine possibilities that my goals and desires can manifest. Open mind, open heart, receptive to the energies of the Universe that make all things possible. And so it is… Intent makes Manifest.

pale yellow daffs

Blessed Be… Pamela

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Quote of the Day: Yeats

In my most secret spirit,  grew a whirling  and a wandering fire. ~ W.B.Yeats

In my most secret spirit, In my most secret spirit, grew a whirling and a wandering fire. ~ W.B.Yeats

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Daily Affirmations: Grow and Change

Each new day is an opportunity to grow and change. I welcome this day and every day, with gratitude and an open heart. I re-mind myself that I can open doors to new opportunities to learn and grow. I can open doors to change my viewpoint, my heart and my mind. I can grow and change, and be a conduit for the greater good, which benefits not only my own life but the lives of others. And so it is… With my open heart and open mind, I greet this day welcoming growth and change. Intent makes manifest.

columbine flowers

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Love

It is a hard to be single sometimes in a world filled with couples. One finds themselves as odd man or woman out, in my case, at a party where everyone is married. But it is okay to be single. In fact, I have found that to lack a partner in life, is not to lack love. Indeed, I am blessed with the knowledge each day, that my life is filled with love, for love takes many forms and comes from many different sources for many different reasons. Yes, I have great love in my life. And so it is that today and everyday, I bless the love and the loved ones in my life. Love is always blossoming around me…

peony buds

Namaste… Pamela

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