Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Flowers

Spring Fever

Greetings of the Day to All…

The gusting March winds have died down after their days long quest to blow away everything in their wake. When the winds blow they come right through this old house I live in. The Spring Equinox is March 20, just 4 more days away. The Spring Fever is intense this year. Last Spring I planted a pandemic garden and I excited to be able to start gardening in the weeks to come. It’s good to have something positive to anticipate.

I wish you all a bright and beautiful day. May you find grace in this and every day. Bright blessings to all…

candy tuft

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Daily Affirmations: Stay Focused and Productive

Today, I set my intent to stay focused and productive in the midst of mayhem and uncertainty of the world. These are trying times for everyone. We can’t let ourselves slip into fear and panic. We must stay busy at home doing things that make us happy, and contribute to the happiness of others. And so it is today, that I make the promise to myself to focus on the things I can do to make a difference in these troubled times. Intent makes manifest… Namaste.

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Daily Affirmations: Make a Difference in the Lives of Others

Like everyone, it has taken me a few days to really wrap my head around the global Coronavirus pandemic we are in the midst of. The bottomline is we are in this together. As we each strive to keep ourselves safe and healthy, it is tantamount that we all stay focused and centered, and we each remember to be kind to one another. Kindness comes in many forms. If we’re shut in alone or with others, it means reaching out to our friends and family to see how they are holding up.

Today, I re-mind myself that even in the midst of a pandemic, I can make a difference in the lives of others. I affirm my own well-being and I vow to check on my friends and family and let them know they are loved. I set my intent to make a difference in the lives of others today, and every day. Intent makes manifest. And so it is… Namaste.

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Daily Affirmations: Making a Difference in the World

We’re all here on this planet to make a difference in the world. We may not feel as though we are, but truly it is the little things that make a difference. Being kind to someone. Giving someone a hug. Letting people know that you love them and you are there for them. It is all these things and more that start us on the path to making a difference in the world. I’ve found in my own life when I reach out to help others, I benefit as well, for it truly is a gift to ourselves to be kind to someone or help someone in need.

Today, I affirm that I am here on this planet to make a difference in the world. I will reach out to my loved ones. I will strike up a conversation with a stranger and tell them to have an awesome day. I will help someone in need. And so it is that in work this and every day to make the world a better place, that intent makes manifest.

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Daily Affirmations: I Have Love in My Heart

I woke this morning and sat up in bed and I smiled. I felt ready to take on the day and make it be an awesome day, because I woke with love in my heart. It’s been a while since I woke feeling that life is good because my life has been on a rather uneven keel for quite some time. But things have been shift. The keel is stabilizing and so am I. It’s taken a lot of inner work to get here. But recognizing the love I have in my life has brought me back to center.

Red tulip

Today, I affirm that I have love in my heart and love in my life. I am happy. I am abundant. I re-mind myself that love is all there is. And so it is that I set forth on this day and every day to share my love with all. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

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Food For Thought: It’s Never Too Late

It is never too late… I remind myself often of these words, by Louise Hay:

“My life is just beginning, and I love it. So many wonderful opportunities are on the horizon.” 

– Louise L. Hay

Age is irrelevant… Every day we are faced with changes and opportunities. Every day is a new beginning. Every day is a change to evolve, to grow, to learn and to make a difference in the world.

Be the light you want to see…

Namaste… Pamela

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