Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Happiness

Daily Affirmations: Walking the Path of Least Resistance

The day breaks and I rise with the sun, and a reminder that this day will be what I make of it. Barring unforeseen circumstances, each day I have a choice to be happy and embrace the day, or to wallow in whatever stress and complications exist in my life. I choose to be happy, because to me, choosing to be happy is walking the path of least resistance. Life throws difficult circumstances in our way. It takes loved ones from us. We lose our jobs, we struggle financially, but all of those circumstances are just that, circumstances. Through all circumstances that life sends my way, I know that I can still be, as William Ernest Henley said in his poem Invictus, “the master of my fate… the captain of my soul.” And so it is… Intention makes manifest…

maudslay trail Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Limitless Opportunities In My Life

Today, I re-mind myself of the limitless opportunities in my life. Indeed, my life is rich. I acknowledge that I have boundless love and light all around me, and I am filled up to the brim and beyond, with joy and happiness. My choice is to make this day a day filled with love and happiness. My choice is see the abundance all around me and focus on the positive aspects of my life which are all worthy of gratitude. And so it is… Intent makes manifest. Gratitude matters.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: I Choose to be Happy

Today, I re-mind myself that I am the true source of my happiness. I choose to be happy and make joy my way of life. I wake each day with the promise of a sunshine even if the skies are gray. I have the power to make myself see beauty in the differences in the world and let those differences fill me with joy. I understand that I have the power of intent working for me this day and each day forward. I am the true source of my happiness. Intent makes manifest. And so it is…

snow goose

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Finding the Light

There are days when we struggle to see the light for the weight of the troubles in our lives feels as though it draws a curtain down before our eyes, shielding us from the light that surely would lift our spirits. Today, I re-mind myself that the light is all around me. Sometimes I simply need to look a little harder to find it. And so it is… I look for the light in even the darkest places, despite the heaviness in my heart, for I know that the light will fill my soul with joy.

through the brambles

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Change Starts from Within

Like the leaves on the maple trees change colors in the cooler fall air, change starts from within…
golden maples

Today, I re-mind myself that change starts from within and I am the master of the changes that I wish to make in my life. Today, I affirm that I will examine my goals and focus on the positive changes that I can make moving forward, today and every day hence, in all areas of my life. My happiness and well-being are tantamount and directly connected to the choices I make in my life. I set my intent towards positive action because I recognize that Intent Makes Manifest.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: My Life is Rich

Today, I affirm my gratitude for all of the Love, Joy and Abundance that is in my life. My life is rich with many facets of abundance great and small, and I acknowledge these riches with gratitude. I re-mind myself that in recognizing my abundance and honoring it, I make room in my life for more abundance to come my way. I affirm this day and every day, I am abundant. I re-mind myself each day, gratitude matters. I recognize that intent makes manifest. And so it is…

on the river

Namaste… Pamela

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