Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Happiness

Reflections: A Branch to Hold Me

I am a typically upbeat person who believes that happiness is a choice. However, sometimes the weight of life drags me down, just as it does everyone. In those times I have a tendency to long for something more in my life–a shoulder to lean on, a branch to hold me.

Dogwood ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Dogwood ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

Like the dogwood, getting its strength from the limbs of the tree, we all subsist and draw strength from the branches and stems that hold us up in life. I’ve been a flower without benefit of that which holds me up for a very long time. Still I blossom and grow. Yet, there is that knowledge deep inside of my soul that recognizes that this flower is still like every other flower that flourishes best when there is sustenance not only within but without as well.

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Reflections: Refuge

No place is more sacred to me than the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge along the northern coast of Massachusetts. It is there in the diverse coastal estuary lands that are part of the Great Marsh, that I find inner peace, happiness and sometimes solace. The ever-changing landscape of the Refuge is woven into the tapestry of my life since childhood, when my entire family, including aunts, uncles and cousins would gather to camp at the southern tip of the Refuge known as Sandy Point.

Salt Pannes at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Salt Pannes at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

Throughout the decades of my life, which include two decades of living in Los Angeles, I never ceased to long for Refuge that was part and parcel of the fabric of my existence. It is there I celebrate the abundance that exists in nature and in life. It is there I revel in the colorful palette of water, land and sky and witness the delicate balance of the cycle of life.

In times of trouble in my life, no place has ever filled me with so much comfort as my beloved Refuge, for it is there that I find the answers to the questions in my heart that fail to be answered in any way other than by immersing myself in nature. I may arrive at the refuge sometimes with a heavy heart, but I never leave the Refuge not filled with joy. It is my greatest source of inspiration and it fills my heart with the greatest sense of gratitude imaginable.

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Food For Thought: Everything Is Possible

A Summer Day on the Salt Pannes~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
A Summer Day on the Salt Pannes~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

Today, I re-mind myself that the everything is possible and all is attainable. What I seek is within and all around me. I make choices. I choose to be happy and I choose to be sad. I choose to live in bliss or I choose to live in frustration. My intent is innate and as powerful as the nature all around me. Gratitude guides me from moment to moment, filling me up and empowering me to be all that I am capable of in the most positive ways.

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Food For Thought: Understanding Suffering

J. Krishnamurti on suffering and happiness…

The Truth of what is happiness will come if I know how to listen. I must know how to listen to suffering; if I can listen to suffering I can listen to happiness, because that is what I am. ~ The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti


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Food For Thought: Joy


Walking the path of life, take the time to notice the little things that are always in clear view. In those little things joy exists.

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Reflections on Happiness


I am studying Existential Philosophy during Summer semester at UMass Amherst’s UWW. Suffice to say that studying existential philosophy can cause the self to reflect on the themes of the study in a very personal way.

I have struggled throughout my life, yet I still try always to maintain a sense of happiness regardless of my struggles because the very weight of one’s struggling can pull you down into darkness and depression. It is not always easy to maintain a sense of happiness because that weight can be so oppressive that sometimes it takes great deal of strength to throw it off and live life authentically with joy.

J. Krishnamurti says in The Book of Life, “To find the true meaning of happiness, we must explore the river of self-knowledge,” yet he continues, “Self-knowledge is not an end in itself.” There is more than that needed to find true happiness, Krishnamurti contends,  happiness is found where you are now, in this moment of time he explains: (more…)

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