Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: In The Moment

Daily Affirmations: Be Gentle With Ourselves

Some days we all feel like we are stuck high in the sky, looking about not certain which direction to fly off too. That is okay. Those times are the times that we must be gentle with ourselves and maybe just take a little time to roost right where we are and simply be. When we sink back into the still of the moment and allow ourselves to be, we give ourselves the gift of gentle self-love. Today, I affirm to myself that it is okay to be gentle with myself. Perhaps tomorrow I will fly. And so it is…


Namaste… Pamela

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Musings: At the Water’s Edge

low tide sandy pointMusings on a late summer’s day from my journal…

The tidal waters converged around the sandbar creating a rippling wave that crisscrossed and danced diagonally on the shore. The blue ocean water sparkled in the large tidal basin evoking the vision of a large sapphire sitting in the sun.

As I waded in the warm tidal pool I looked down to see a school of minnows swirling about my feet and my ankles. I imagined that they tickled my flesh as they swam by so swiftly in the sun-warmed water.

What a blessing to have this perfect last beach day soaking up the sun and lolling in the water that was near warm enough to be in the tub. Life was teeming at the water’s edge, from the minnows and hermit crabs to the sanderlings and piping plovers and of course, the large shore birds, the gulls of the Atlantic shore. Soon the cooler fall air would shift into play and the warmer weather birds would migrate.

The vast swarms of swallows had left the refuge just a few days ago. The purple martins were also gone. The songbirds had long moved on. Summer was winding down. The green marshes had been showing a hint of fall color for a few weeks, but suddenly there was a riot of color exploding in bursts across the landscape.

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Daily Affirmations: In Seeking to Accomplish Goals

It seems there is never enough time in a day to get things done. Today I re-mind myself that in seeking to my accomplish goals, I must take one goal at a time and finish the task before moving on to the next goal. I affirm that to accomplish my goals, I must not set too many in front of myself at one time or strive too far beyond my means. In seeking to accomplish goals, I remember that I am Human and there are limits to what I can accomplish in one day. Sometimes when overloaded with things to do I must recognize that less is more when I have many things to get done. One goal at a time, working in the moment, gets it done…


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

To Be Empowered


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Daily Affirmations: I Am Grateful for All Blessings

I look to nature to see the blessings that life has to offer on a daily basis. The sun suddenly appearing from a bank of clouds or shining through a tree. A bird landing on a tree limb and singing its melodious song. A flower blooming long past its season. These are all the blessings of life that we see when we slow our lives enough to just take in the moment. Every moment is Now. Every moment is filled with blessings great and small. When I am in the Now I am able to see those blessings for what they are. For all blessings great and small, I am grateful. These blessings are the abundance in my life. In the moment I re-mind myself, I am Abundant. Gratitude matters.

fall light

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmation: I Am Exactly Where I Am Supposed To Be

Today, I re-mind myself to seek not to direct the flow of my life, but to let the flow of my life direct me. I affirm to myself that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to do. I reinforce in myself that what I can change is how I react, when placed in a situation that may not be pleasant or comfortable. In a circumstance or situation in which I find myself struggling for comfort and balance, I know I must pull back and then reach into my center to draw my energy level up, where it and I can act from the highest good – love. Today I affirm that the key is to remember that in every moment, I must act consciously from love, not to react from fear or anger.

sandy point late october 2015

Namaste… Pamela

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