Sometimes our path is easier than others. The Universe puts obstacles in our way and we must move through those obstacles with the best grace and ease we can muster, even when the journey seems difficult. In those times we summon faith to be at our side and guide us through the obstacles, knowing in time, this too shall pass.
There is a certain sense of inner peace that radiates from a still, reflective body of water and fills the soul with a stillness much like that of meditation. In the reflection one sees the wonders of nature mirrored back at itself, sans the ego of the human looking into the mirror. Water is among the most sacred of elements to the Great Mother Goddess, for water sustains all living things.
Sam Keen notes in Hymns to an Unknown God, “In Taoism, the way of water is the metaphor for wisdom.” Indeed, in water I see all that was, all that is and all that can be, and I am renewed by its cool existence and constant motion, that fills my soul with hope and happiness. To imagine the world without water, is to imagine a barren soul devoid of life.
Walking is an exercise in contemplation for me, whether I walk alone or with a friend, my mind traverses the path in front of me and delves into the deepest thoughts in my mind. I am reminded of the words of Sam Keen on walking in his seminal book, Hymns to an Unknown God: (more…)
The reflective self seeks answers in the depth of their being. Like the egret searching the waters for a morsel of nourishment, the minds plumbs its depths for sustenance for the soul. In the silence of nature, answers flood the mind in code like fashion, as we release and let go, and become one with nature. ~ Pamela Leavey
Today, I re-mind myself that the everything is possible and all is attainable. What I seek is within and all around me. I make choices. I choose to be happy and I choose to be sad. I choose to live in bliss or I choose to live in frustration. My intent is innate and as powerful as the nature all around me. Gratitude guides me from moment to moment, filling me up and empowering me to be all that I am capable of in the most positive ways.
The Truth of what is happiness will come if I know how to listen. I must know how to listen to suffering; if I can listen to suffering I can listen to happiness, because that is what I am. ~ The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti
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Musing and Rambling
Sometimes I muse and I ramble because I can... I muse about life and things that matter to me...
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