Pamela Leavey

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Category: Spiritual

Daily Affirmations: I Am Awesome

Today, I will practice the “I Am Awesome” principle. Each time I am asked how I am, I will reply, “I Am Awesome!” With each reply, I will feel the contagion of being Awesome grow with in my heart and mind for intent makes manifest. With each opportunity I have to respond to the question, “How are you,” I have the opportunity to share the “I Am Awesome” principle, so that others may feel the contagion as well. Awesome is a state of mind, it is a choice, like happiness.

When I choose to be Awesome, I choose to be more than happy, I choose to be empowered by my own will. When I choose to be awesome, I choose to see things through wonder, amazement and I choose to make self-confidence a guiding essence of my life, because I understand the power of intent. The question begs the answer, “Why would I choose to be anything less than Awesome, each and every day?” That I choose to be Awesome, makes it so. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

egret posing

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Soar to Greater Heights

The day breaks and I rise with anticipation of what the day will bring. Today, I re-mind myself that I am strong and I am capable of achieving everything that I set my mind to. Yes, sometimes the odds seem insurmountable. Yes, some days are easier than others. But still, as I rise each day, I feel my inner strength gather and I move with that inner strength, in confidence that I might soar to greater heights.  Each new day is an opportunity to rise above the problems in my life. Each new days is an opportunity to forge a new direction. Each new day is my chance to make a difference in the world and so I face the day asking the Universe, “what would you have me do this day, that I might make a difference?” My intent today is to rise above whatever keeps me down. My intent today is to soar to greater heights. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

immature red-tailed hawk

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Remain Open

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where things or people are closed off to us. The response to that should never be a like reaction, to close ourselves off as well. A closed heart and a closed mind serve no one. Today, I re-mind myself that I can keep an open mind and an open heart, despite the actions of others. My mission is to accept and embrace people and things for who and what they are. I cannot change something or someone else. Sometimes I can lead things in a different or better direction, but change comes from within. Today, I make certain that I have no barriers, no “keep out” signs clouding my heart and mind. And so it is. Intent makes manifest.

Merrimack River Amesbury, MA Photo: Pamela Leavey

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Daily Walk Of Life

Today, I re-mind myself that in my daily walk of life, I am free to choose my own path and follow the direction of my own heart. The path may not always be easy, but leads me to some of the greatest lessons, lessons I may not have learned if I had not diverged from the beaten path and followed, the road less traveled. We’re all here to follow our own path and learn our own lessons. Our teachers are many and varied. We learn best when our heart and mind is open and willing to receive. We learn best when we let our open heart and open mind lead us down the divergent path to our own truth. It is our intent that makes manifest the path of our highest calling. And so it is… Intent makes manifest on this daily walk of life.Hellcat Swamp - Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: I Am Abundant

Today, I re-mind myself that when I worry about having enough, I block the flow of prosperity and abundance. When money is tight, it is normal to worry about having enough to pay the bills, put food on the table and have a little extra for things that you need. But, continued worry simply causes stress and anxiety to compound and it does not solve the issue at hand. I know I must set my intent to prosperity and abundance, rather than worry about lack there of, because intent makes manifest and gratitude matters. Today I will not worry about what I need, instead I will focus on what I have. And so it is… Intent makes manifest. My life is rich. I am abundant.

Mute Swans at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Cast Off the Mantle of Struggle

Today, I re-mind myself that carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders weighs heavy on my limbs, for burdens of life though they may stay with us for some time, are meant to be lessons that ultimately lift us up, not continually weigh us down. With my intention set at its highest purpose, I seek today and every day to let go of the burdens that I hold tight to. I release the past, I rest in the present, I go with the flow, and I let the weight that holds me down, melt away. I forgive those who need forgiveness, including myself. I accept what I may not understand. I look for blessings in the littlest of things, the briefest of moments. There I find gratitude in my day. I keep an open space in my heart that might feel compassion and love for those who like me struggle in this world. I strive this and every day to cast off the mantle of struggle and use my life to lift up others. I accept the grace that leads me. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Snow on the Pines
Snow on the Pines

Namaste… Pamela

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