Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Intent

Daily Affirmations: Fear and Anger

In stressful and troubling times it is so easy for all of us to slip into a state of fear and even anger. These are the times when we must use our intent to move past fear and anger and move back into grace and love. Fear is the antithesis to love. As is anger. We can not live in love and grace if we let fear and anger overcome our rationality and reality.

Today, I re-mind myself that I am strong than the fear and anger that surfaces in my life. I am capable of seeing that fear and anger serve no purpose in my life and it acts as a contagion, when we push our fears and angers towards others. Today, I set my intent to stop when I feel fear or anger arise and I ask myself why I am allowing this to be in my life. I breathe deeply, I exhale, I repeat and in my inhalation – exhalation, I let go of the toxic fear and anger and replace it with grace and love. And so it is, intent makes manifest. Namaste…

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Daily Affirmations: When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

Today, I re-mind myself to not be discouraged when things don’t go according to my plans or dreams. There’s a reason for everything that happens in life. When something doesn’t go our way, it is because there is something better in life for us that is coming our way, and if this other thing happened it might have impeded the way for better opportunities. And so it is, I set my intent, today and everyday, to accept what didn’t go my way and to remain open for the better opportunities that are on the way. Intent makes manifest… Namaste.

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Daily Affirmations: Releasing the Past

I am reminded today how we all hold onto past circumstances and grievances, and can easily slip back into mulling on those issues when something triggers our memory. The trick is to not allow yourself to slide down the slippery slope, but to let the memories go, release them to wash out to sea. Yes, I know, it is easier said than done sometimes, but the more we do it, the better we get at it. Releasing is a practice, it’s something we have to be willing to do, and something we must work at. And to be honest, no matter how hard we work at it, we might find that years later something surfaces that triggers a memory we thought we had long ago released. It’s back for a reason. To teach us something and to give us the space to find grace and release it yet again.

Sandy Point, Plum Island, Massachusetts

Today, I re-mind myself that releasing past grievances and pain. I recognize that holding on to these issues serve no purpose in my life. In fact, holding on holds me back. I affirm today to let go of the past. Release the sadness, release the trauma, release the negative issues that revolve around whatever past issues I am holding on to, or have resurfaced in my life. I set my intent to let go, to release these issues into the sea and watch them wash away. And so it is… Intent makes Manifest. Namaste…

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Daily Affirmations: Blossom and Shine

I’ve been on a trajectory for a few weeks now to be more productive and get back on track, after a long period of introspection. Life knocked me off course. I lost my way and settled in to just be, as I worked through the things in life that knocked me off course. It’s been really good to be productive again. Good for my heart and soul, but some days I still struggle with keeping on track. I think we all feel that some days, no matter what is going on in our lives.


Today, I re-mind myself that it’s okay to not be productive if that is what I feel in the moment. But, I also re-mind myself that if I push through the desire to not be productive and find that space where I can be productive, I will blossom and shine a little more today and every day. And so it is, I set my intent to blossom and shine. Intent makes manifest. Namaste…

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Daily Affirmations: In This Moment

I love the feeling of floating in life. You know that feeling, when everything in life is working the way you want it to and you are floating along, flowing on course. In truth, we’re always floating in life, we’re a stick floating downstream on the river of life. Whether life is good or life is not good, we’re still floating. But it’s our mindset that is different. Sometimes we can change that mindset but other times it is best to work through whatever it is that is weighing us down. Maybe we are not a buoyant as we’d like to because we’re going through a lot of heavy stuff in our lives – loss, pain, trauma, grief, financial struggle, drama with others – you name it, these are the things we need to work through as we float downriver.


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Daily Affirmations: Making a Difference in the World

We’re all here on this planet to make a difference in the world. We may not feel as though we are, but truly it is the little things that make a difference. Being kind to someone. Giving someone a hug. Letting people know that you love them and you are there for them. It is all these things and more that start us on the path to making a difference in the world. I’ve found in my own life when I reach out to help others, I benefit as well, for it truly is a gift to ourselves to be kind to someone or help someone in need.

Today, I affirm that I am here on this planet to make a difference in the world. I will reach out to my loved ones. I will strike up a conversation with a stranger and tell them to have an awesome day. I will help someone in need. And so it is that in work this and every day to make the world a better place, that intent makes manifest.

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